Our associates at United Hollywood blog have launched a new campaign to promote the cause of the Writers Guild of America and guess what … It involves pencils. Titled “Pencils 2 Media Moguls” the campaign is intended to send masses of pencils to the CEOs of major television media companies as a show of solidarity with the writers guild. Here at California Republic we have collaborated with United Hollywood to supply pencils to be used for this campaign. Each $1 dozen pack of pencils purchased via this Pencils 2 Media Moguls link here will be forwarded on by United Hollywood on your behalf to these CEOs. The expectation is that the pencils will eventually be donated to support young writers in disadvantaged schools and other education prorams.
Two days into the campaign as of Sunday evening over 156,000 pencils have already been purchased. What better symbol of writing and solidarity than sending pencils. As the writers themselves are saying they are putting them down until they get a fair deal. The goal is to reach over 1 million pencils sent in for this campaign. So show your support for writing, the writers and ultimately the children who will benefit by receiving these pencils by buying a few packs here and forward this link to a friend. If you buys a few packs and have suggestions of deserving schools or programs where the Moguls can donate the pencils please forward these along to United Hollywood.
Finally, some of my readers might ask why WoodChuck, an avowed free trader would support such a union campaign. Of course the children as end recipients of the pencils will benefit from this campaign, but there is also a historical reason as well. My maternal grandfather Lawrence E. Watkin (wow, didn’t know he had a Wikipedia page until tonight), was once a WGA member and worked as a Hollywood writer mainly throughout the 1950s. That is until he was fired by Disney Co. when the writers were replaced during a former strike. Of course, I am not altogether altruistic as we are generating some sales for these unbranded pencils which as standard round advertising type pencils are representative of our Spangle Decorator basic pencil writing quality but are finished in standard lacquer without imprint or decoration.